MA new provincial draw was held on Prince Edward Island, with 137 invitations issued in the labour and express entrance categories. There are another 153 invitations given to skilled worker and entrepreneur immigration prospects in Canada.
Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) streams through labour impact and express entry issued invitations on May 20.
While business impact candidates received just 16 invitations and were needed to have a minimum score of 62 points, labour impact and express entry candidates received 137 invitations.
HighlightsOn May 17, 2022, the BC PNP issued invitations to apply to qualified Skills Immigration registrants. Targeted invitations to apply have also been issued to qualified registrants in healthcare and childcare occupation THE MAY 17, 2022 draw was splitted into 2 categories: general and targeted.
General categories include tech occupations, skilled workers and international graduates.and the minimum score is ranged from 76 to 123 points.
Targeted categories include early childhood educators and assistants under NOC 4214. And further 21 invitations were issued to skilled workers and international
graduates scoring at least 62 points.
A draw also targeted healthcare and childcare workers , less than 5 invitations were issued. With a minimum score of 62 points.
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